Monday, July 5, 2010


Next time I serve my country I better get some FUCKING EQUALITY out of it.    I didn't serve my country  HONORABLY  just so you ungrateful conservative lazy patriotic bastards could sit back here and vote against equal rights for  honest contributing members of society.    Until we are all equal, nobody is truly free.  You're just convincing yourself that being selfish and controlling is a good quality, when really it's the ugliest thing about you and the injustices that you justify as exclusive rights.  As if you really need to feel that much more special.  What did I ever do to you?  Huh???   Did you work for your freedom and rights?  Did you do something to symbolize your devotion to this country other than just waving a fucking flag over your head and stare at some sparklers and thinking life is so great cause you're straight and privileged.

  I want equal rights, but my voice is not heard at the voting booth, I'm still out numbered by voter assholes who are afraid of me.  

I'm the real patriot!  I deserve my voice to be heard and my wishes to be actualized, and I wish for the same rights that you have.  That is the simplest request.

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