Portland was soon in my sights. 5 hours and a couple of smokeys on the sidelines gave me some close calls. Good thing my cop watch was in full effect cause I was fortunate enough to eliminate some potential hazards.

When I pulled into Portland my first stop was my buddy Kearys shop on 11th and Sandy on the east side. I rolled up on the sidewalk took my hat off and cruised in to get my first glimpse of the place. I was greeted by a lovely store gal who was aware of my expected arrival and told me Keary had just stepped out for food and would be right back. Upon realizing that this could possibly take days I called up my friend Nicole, wanting to make the most of all gaps in social opportunities and thus swiftly proceeded to her place. After all I figured it would be most important to connect with her as soon as possible upon my arrival since it was planned that I'd be spending the next few nights of my visit at hers. We ran off to some surplus and adventure stores to look for some rock-climbing shoes, and then we ran over to Kearys shop cause I wanted him to meet my friend. When we rolled up on the bike there were a bunch of people, drinks in hand, food, a good spirits going around. We hung partied out on the corner for a few hours and then Nicole and I ran off to go party at some ladies event down the street in the industrial district on the east side.

Sauvie: My third day in town I went to a nude beach on Sauvie Island with Nicole. It was a beautiful country drive from pdx through peninsula countryside farmland. When we reached the gravel road to the beach I slowed down a bit to save my weary front tire from all the rocky abuse. A biker on the side waved us down and asked us for tools. Not only was this dude riding a giant bagger, but he had absolute no tools on him. I kinda gave him a friendly lecture on the importance of carrying tools and proceeded to wrench away on his bike to help him get to a set of keys that had fallen deep into the chassis of the bike. After a few cuts and sweat beads a key was retrieved, and so we headed on down the gravely road to our skinnying delights. Once parked and geared up and on the swampy wooded trail between the road and beach I stopped to shoot a photo which quickly proved itself to be a disasterous idea. Within seconds I was swarmed by mosquitos. I had no idea how bad it would be. I threw my camera in my pocket and started running down the trail which to no avail the mosquitos were relentless. Was I infact the first blood pumping creature this desolate island had seen in ages? The mosquitos sure acted like it. I even made it out of the woods and 50 yards to the beach, into the water, in the sun, and they were still swarming my body. I was appalled. At some point the vampires had melted in the sun and we were able to go on with our plan of nude public awakenings. The beach had lovely white sands and delicate trees creating a small tree line of privacy and shade. We got to behold the filming of some amature vixen superhero brawl in the waters off the shore not far from where we were camped. Very interesting indeed. That's going to be some editing job. Not moments after my clothes disembark my being, we spot and are spotted by some friendly fire. A nearby trio of nice looking gals made their way over to make acquaintances. Life long friendships is more like it, cause little did I know at that moment that we'd be all rafting a river together two days later. Behold the power of social connectedness. Well the day wore on and the sun cooled down so it was time to pack up and head home. We had dinner plans that we needed to make by 8:30. We got suited up and armored on to beat the wooded trenches of the vampire zombie death swarms. We headed in. Poor Nicole was getting dive bombed and bullied by 20 easy. Even after we emerged from the thicket they swarmed us all the way to the moto, and relentless to get a suckle of blood. As Nicole kept up the squaking chicken arm flailing dance, I started the bike, and let it idle while I helped swat death and get Nicole suited for the ride. It was teamwork to say the least. I rode by and she jumped on just like in the movies where the desperate couple escapes the zombies, someone drives by and without stopping the other one jumpes on and they ride off safely into the sunset. "Phew" (wipes brow in exasperated manner). That night we dined at a 5 star restaurant called "A Cena" which means 'come to dinner' or 'come eat'. The food was exquisitely gourmet. The atmosphere of the sidewalk table, candle lit, warm Portland night was just epic. Savoring every bite and enjoying every bit of my company and conversation, the day had been perfect. So when dinner was all said and done, every plate licked clean, to top off an already beautiful and funfilled day, we decide to dine our bodies on some moonlighting at the city park pool with a couple dozen other pdx locals all looking to vet the midnight craziness after hours. Tecate in hand, clothes in the other I approached the warm waters and got in. The pool was full of fun people of all ages all there to have a little late night trespassing fun. We met some sweet people and shared some laughs. About an hour into the splashing around, a park truck came around and kindly asked us to move along. We gladly put on our wares and planned our next assault on the city...the strip club. Mobbing to the end of town to a gravel parkinglot on a corner block under the interstate we roll up to a patron getting escorted out. Always fun. Once inside we watched some neat dancing, had a few rounds, and made nice with the ladies. After a few hours of that we sobered and saddled up to head back to Nicoles for movies on the big screen and a slumber party.
Shooting rapids on a pool floatie: Wednesday in Portland proved quite an adventure. Per the request and acceptance on my part to meet Tina (one of the girls from the nude beach two days before) at 9:30 am to go rafting down a river all day, I set my alarm for 8, debated calling in sick, then decided to just suck it up and go anyway. Enroute to the meeting spot I rode to southern pdx out by Milwaukie, or, no...wait...even further down in BFE southern pdx, where I found a Dollar Bell (breakfast) and took it to a house where I met up with 4 new peeps, jumped in a car, and rolled 30 minutes out to a leg of the Clackamas river. Note that it was overcast when I woke up and still hadn't cleared by the time we arrived at the river, and we were still going to get in the water, freezing and the whole shebang. Sucking it up we did. Rafts looped together, life vest on, we began the float. Equipped with a semi-pro inflatable kayak, an inflatable dingy, a ski innertube, and my floatie: the recliner pool floatie complete with arm rests, back rest, and no sidewalls for protection. Needless to say I was handed the life vest.
Floating the smooth green waters and bobbing along the rapids we made our way down 4 hours of the Clackamas river, pulling over for important things like rock jumping, rope swinging, and flashing other patrons of the river route. Oh what a day. When we got back to the house Tina jumped on my bike, Courney drove the pace car, and led us to a delicious burrito spot up on Harrison St. In fact I'm starving just thinking of it. That afternoon after Tina and Courtney jumped in the car and headed back south, I continued north to visit my Couch St. fam for some family dinner and down time.
What happens in Canada stays in Canada: On the 13th day of my ride I headed up and into the wild green yonder of Canada. I jumped the border at coincidentally Canadian route 13 that typically would have led me up to Canadian Interstate 1 and into Vancouver, but instead I took a side road marked 16 and followed it to the 99 into Vancouver the way my google maps had originally led me from the US 5. I immediately felt like I was in a different country. at this point you might be thinking something along the lines of "duh" but really why must a coue miles immediately feel so much different. The speed markers are in Kilometers per hour so I just followed the other cars until I got the gist of their speed limits. Canada is socialist, and clean, and beautiful, and happy. True story. Everyone is nicer.
The first thing I did was turn my phone off. I wasn't about to be charged foreign rates. I got to Mitch's house about 4 and met the rest ofthe crew. They were going out for a bit so I opted to just stay in and catch up on some Canadian news, while kicking so comfortably back on the couch. After all the local issues I could handle, I took a nap. When I woke and realized I'd be left to my own entertainment for a while longer I decided to head out and down around the pier which takes you to a busy little bay where sail boats and yachts come in and out all day and night. Not long after, the kids got back from a romp around town and we promptly did some cheers to ring in Mitch's birthday. Let the games begin. We were up for a bit but headed to sleep to catch the dyke march early the next day.

Keep checking in everyday cause I'm adding story as I remember it...and when I have energy to sit on here for hours writing.
Birthdays, bars, parks, bbq's, losing friends in parks. (hahaha) so let me tell you this: I will come back and elaborate on this last 7 days of my adventure when I get more time to think, reminisce, and I'm not hungover and underslept.
Just didn't want you to think I had forgotten all about my blog.
But oh, do I have some stories for you so stay tuned.
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