Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 25: why am I still awake?

4am, 2 David Sedaris albums, 2.5 black cherry Mikes Hard lemonades, flat heat, no breeze, sweats, and now resorting to Fiddler on the Roof for entertainment. Evidently there is a meteor shower that I'm missing due to the coastal overcast. But I've seen stars falling from the sky before, so I feel like I'm not really missing anything except sleep at this point. Wondering if my nighttime drinks and lots of pizza have something to do with my sleeplessness. Good thing I have a short ride tomorrow to Arcata and that I'll be riding at my leisure because I can pull over if I'm tired and chill on a nice lawn with a view. In fact I welcome it.

Today I had a hard time riding away from Portland. There was more reason to stay in Portland than to go, but it was in my head to hit the road and so I tried not to challenge my decision. The 5 was effortless. Time flew. It felt like I hadn't even been on the road at all. The miles seem even more and more effortless to cover now. The more I ride the shorter a long distance seems because I have conquered so many miles. I guess it's the equivalent to how the older you get the shorter a year seems. I've reached that or so it seems today.

Just 5 more days and I will have been on the road for a month. I have acquired many blessed things, and beings, knowledge, direction, decisiveness, courage, love, an owl feather from an angel, a foam cutout revolver, 3 rubber duckies, a high heel magnet, Michelobe patches, some iron cross tail lights, a Jack of Clubs prison card, a new front tire, I lost a shirt and gained a shirt, I gained the presence and experience of new people, enlightened people, freed people, and I'm growing exponentially by my experiences. I shall never stop until I've completed my lifes journey whenever and however that may be. Until then, be with me, go with me, let me enjoy you and you enjoy me. No regrets. Explore. Be. Challenge yourself, your knowledge, your abilities, your perspectives. Have fun. Love and be loved.


  1. Jack Farce you are incredible. Goddess on bike. Nike? It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance in Portland. I was the one who asked what Dirty Birds meant with fully loaded shopping cart in hand. Don't know if you will remember me but, here I am.
    Was able to watch a little of the meteor shower here in Texas, although mostly was covered by clouds. Currently I am visiting family. Would imagine the way that the meteor shower looked tonight is the way that the Dirty Birds might look from aireal view. Love it here right now! So much heat.
    Luck & Love to you & The Birds!

  2. Yes! Hi! I totally remember, and so glad you were able to find my blog. You rock!
