Thursday, October 8, 2015

The gun

Do not be afraid of guns. Most folks who I know are deathly afraid of guns, just don't know how to use one, operate one, handle one, have never seen one in person, and that makes them incapable of wrapping their brain fully around the issue. And I've seen some very skilled, responsible, and disciplined folks handle guns so safely and proficiently, that you'd be proud to go shooting with them any day. So as anything powerful requires skill and discipline, and restraint, so to must we exercise the same diligence of mind with anything that we utilize in society with such wielding strength. For instance, there are some really bad drivers on our streets. Cars are extremely dangerous, and all it takes is a small written test, and a small dinky and slowly demonstrated driving test, and badda bing badda boom, they're behind the wheel on their own, of a large thousand pound vehicle driving as fast as they want. Yet we trust these folks. It comes down to "respect" for the thing which you know possesses unrestrained power. You become the restraint. And "skill" when you must wield and build on the fundamental skills that you started with, in order to become a proficient driver. And the rest of us have "trust" to get out there on the roadways with all these drivers that we have no idea what kind of driver they are, but we get in our lanes, and use our signals, and learn how to co-habitate on the roadways, through prescribed guidelines. Now how hard was that? Do not fear the gun.

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