Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Blow winds, blow.

I swore the fence was gonna blow down last night.  Things were knocking around outside, chain link fence was swaying as hard as it could under the moon sized globes in the parking lot next door.  Every time I look out my bedroom window there is one of many lamps glowing largely out the window, and I pretend it's the moon.  The way the moon always looked in old black and white movies, dreamy.  There are some branches that sometimes hang in the way to the left and right, as if I'm in the woods looking through the trees up at the moon.

          The winds weren't just blowing physically, but by golly metaphorically and representative of the things that are happening in my life.  Unsettled change.  I guess when you have an unsettled soul, then that is the only constant, and mine is always drawn to that.  It's either rigid control and perfection of work and the mind that I strive and sometimes struggle to achieve, which drives me nuts, or it's me freeing my mind in the only place where no one can hold me down, or judge me...the open road.  I'm always happiest when I'm just at peace in my mind, and my body, in the middle of a vacant and open land, where I can dream up a future, and dream about a wonderful youth, the last time I was really happy.   Reflection, the things we go through and experience, the marks they leave on us, reflection is the best thing you can ask for, when you reach the answers, the honesty it brings you, it helps you grow and move forward.  So heres to honesty and progress and strength of character and pursuing and finding our futures.

See you on the road.

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