Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My thoughts 5 minutes ago to the present.

The only way you should fit anywhere, is whereby the natural occurrence of your natural being, however that may be, becomes itself.

Find yourself looking different, feeling different, being different.
Find yourself being the odd man out.
Find yourself alone in your opinions.
Find yourself where others can't find you.

Find yourself.

...and then one day, you will come across someone or a few people, who spent their lives finding themselves too, and your paths will cross, and you'll be like, this was the most comfortable I've ever felt in life around others.  Because those people will not be trying, and you won't be trying, it'll just be.  Like your puzzle piece finally found its spot on the puzzle next to the other "like" puzzle pieces, and you'll make a cute little picture.

...But then you'll take your puzzle piece, and you'll stay free and roam around because that's what you know best, and that's who you've become.  And maybe you'll do it with the other puzzle pieces, and the puzzle won't ever be completely completed, cause there are those few puzzle pieces that are out there having a good time, sharing stories, and making more stories, and having good times together, not being stuck to someone's big idea of a perfect picture, but out there creating your own reality as fluid or constant as you want it to be.  Thinking and feeling for yourself.  And actually living.

Hey, sometimes companionship is nice.  Like I would love to take someone with me on my motorcycle adventures, exploring and sharing as it happens.  Maybe it will be a hot mamacita, maybe it'll be a little puppy, or a turtle or some thing that is chill and keeps me company.  But I haven't discovered yet what that will be or when it will present itself to me.  So I'm not trying to rush it.

And till it does, I'll just be finding myself.

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