Thursday, March 31, 2016

Backpacking/Camping in the Backyard!!!!!

Last night I practiced my camping tricks in the back yard. I hiked 50ft out into the backyard with my loaded backpack, then before I did anything, I started my fire with my magnesium fire starter and spark shavings. This took a second, because my first starter went out, but I was able to use some sparks again to get it rolling. Pine leaves are highly flammable, and is a great starter to any fire. Once my fire was established, I set up my tent. Then I got out my stove and can of soup, and started the fire in my little stove using a small stick from the main fire. I'm using one of those Esbit cooksets, and I have only about a few minutes of burntime per cube, and these ones I am using are so old, and barely light so I reeeeallly had to keep throwing them on there, to keep the flame up. My goal is to get better new burn cubes, because I don't want to have to pack compressed gas. I mean if that's what the most efficient means to a long backpack trip means versus me carrying the equivalent amount of fuel cubes, its going to come down to convenience, packability, and weight. So another stove might be in my future, but this one was light and cheap, so I figured, why not. Anyway, after a good while of playing with the flame under my stove, my soup got to something called medium temperature, and I ate my soup next to the fire. I then packed my stove away, rolled up my things, packed down the tent, and loaded up the backpack and headed on down the trail, and I hiked all 50ft. back inside the house.

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